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Health Services

San Felipe Pueblo Elementary School

San Felipe Pueblo Elementary School Health Services

Our School Health Clinic provides essential health services and guidelines to ensure the well-being of our students. Here are some important points to keep in mind:

Medication Administration

The SHC may temporarily administer or observe a student taking prescribed medication during the school day. However, if needed, the parent/guardian and prescribing provider are responsible for finding a long-term solution.

Parents must provide a prescription-labeled container and written authorization to administer any prescription medication at school. Authorization forms are available at the office and must be completed and signed annually.

The school does not provide over-the-counter drugs (e.g., Tylenol, Ibuprofen, cough drops). If needed, students can visit the school health clinic.

Refills and Appointments

  • Parents are responsible for obtaining timely refills for prescribed medications.
  • Parents must make necessary arrangements for all scheduled health/dental appointments.

Allergies and Medical Conditions

  • Students with food-related allergies must provide a doctor’s statement to the office staff annually. Written notes from parents will not be accepted.
  • Students with asthmatic conditions must have a prescribed inhaler, a physician’s statement, and a signed authorization form on file. Minors are legally allowed to carry their inhaler if they are mature enough.

Head Lice and Infestations

  • In case of head lice or other infestations, parents will be asked to pick up their child immediately. Students must have a doctor’s statement or written clearance from a health professional before returning to school.

Guidance and Social Services

  • Guidance and counseling services are available for all students.
  • San Felipe Pueblo Elementary has partnered with local social services, behavioral health and health services agencies. Referrals are available for more serious needs.

Please refer to the student handbook for more detailed information. If you have any questions or need further information, please get in touch with the school health clinic.

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